Traveling is something that, besides having fun and relaxation, usually brings peace of mind. Especially if you go to a special place with that special person or even friends. Discovering new things also makes us feel refreshed. The combination of the two, then, cannot go wrong.
Snow skiing can be a seven-headed thing for those who don’t have the habit of doing sport before. Even for those who do, skiing for the first time can be tricky. However, the feeling of adventure and fun always speaks louder, so the fear is left behind. If it isn’t, it should.
It is possible to get a little lost at the beginning when it comes to packing. There are so many layers of clothing and equipment that it is perfectly normal for this to happen to those unfamiliar with skiing. However, each item of clothing is essential for snow sports.
In addition, snow skiing also requires care as any sport, and if practiced prudently, presents no danger. If you want to ski but are afraid, check out these tips that Ride and Smile has prepared for you!
Snow skiing has been an increasingly popular sport. However, there are still a lot of people who want to try snow skiing , but assume it is too difficult or seriously injured.
Let us demystify these conceptions and guide them to a truly positive experience.
Advantages of snow skiing
Practicing this kind of sport, even for leisure while traveling, has many health benefits.
Snow skiing improves aerobic capacity, increases lower limb strength and muscle power, and aids in body balance and motor coordination.
The practice also has positive effects on the heart and circulatory system, as the person, while skiing, moves all parts of the body.
In addition, the sport increases adrenaline, releasing stress and hormones. That is, practicing such a radical sport presents the perfect scenario for gaining self-confidence.
Other advantages are the opportunities to discover new places, overcome fears and be in touch with nature. Realized how many benefits there are in skiing in the snow ? However, as we have already said, being aware of some care is essential for the experience to be pleasurable.
Tips for Beginners
Some tips can be followed for first time skiing. We separated the most important. Check it out!
1. Physically prepare
Have you ever thought skiing and then returning home in pain? This can be avoided with a muscle preparation before. You don’t need too much strength training. However, do stretching, aerobic exercise, exercise the muscles of the lower limbs, as they will be quite busy.
2. Seek professional guidance
It is essential to talk to a professional in order to get the necessary guidance on the practice. He will demonstrate the techniques and use of the equipment, and will indicate the best place on the track to practice the sport.
If possible, take a few lessons before venturing alone on the ski slopes. Even if you go with someone you know, not everyone has the patience to explain, and there is no guarantee that the escort will be with you all the time.
The ideal is to hire a few hours of class a day, just to learn the basics, and then keep training to get better and better. Each day you will feel a tremendous difference, especially with the confidence you will gain.
The first few lessons are basic and you will learn things like skiing – yes, that’s right! – to take it out, what are the sticks for, how to brake and, especially to make the wedge. It is a kind of maneuver used to slow down and make turns. It will be a word much spoken by the instructors.
It is always ideal to take one or two lessons to know the piste, even for those who already have practice and are at an advanced level of skiing. Walking on unfamiliar terrain right away can be quite a risk.
You learn that as much as controlling your speed as avoiding other skiers are your responsibility. The one below you always has the preference.
3. Respect your limits
For beginners, caution is paramount. Start slowly, adapting to equipment and the environment. When you get the hang of it, have fun! But avoid risky maneuvers, which require training and preparation to perform to avoid accidents.
When you get to the top of a mountain, your body may need a little time to get used to the weather. There are mountains that are very high, so the air gets thinner up there.
Some people may experience headache, dizziness and nausea in the early hours. So, don’t consider going skiing right on the first day of arrival. Take the first day to rent equipment, get to know the surroundings, train on the plane and rest.
One tip is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Remember that skiing a sport and, despite the cold, your body will sweat inside your clothes. The body will lose a lot of water as it is a very intense sport. To make matters worse, heating inside the hotel or house makes the air very dry. So, it is important to hydrate even after skiing.
4. Prepare your backpack
No need to remember that you will be in contact with the snow and the cold, thin air. Therefore, make sure that you are properly warmed up and carry some items such as water, snacks, and sunscreens in a backpack.
When choosing ski clothes, it is best to bet on 3 layers: inner, middle and outer.
The inner layer is essential for keeping it dry, but also for warming up the body. Contrary to what you think of a snow suit, it should be light and absorb perspiration as it sticks to the body, thus maintaining the heat generated by the body itself. The ideal is to wear t-shirt and thermal pants, also known as second skin.
The middle layer is the one that will definitely take care of cutting the cold, thus preventing the wind from reaching you. It is slightly heavier than the inner layer, excellent for maintaining body heat. Ideally, a type of coat called a fleece. However, on warmer mountain days, it is possible to dispense with this layer.
The outer layer is that of the waterproof jacket, indispensable for those who will venture into the snow, whether skiing or not. However, there are those that are suitable for skiing, as they are generally longer and have several pockets, a hood and adjustments. Its purpose is to block the wind and make the perspiration evaporate.
Ski jackets usually have a hip-length inner zip closure so snow won’t get inside your clothes at the time of a fall.
One thing to be aware of is that there is no second layer on the legs, as the snow-fitting waterproof pants already come with it. Both jacket and waterproof pants can be rented at the ski resorts.
The waterproof glove is also indispensable for those who go for a walk in the snow, especially for skiing. In addition, the sock should also be chosen carefully. There will be no point putting on many socks if none of them absorb sweat. One that is hot and absorbs sweat is enough to keep your feet from freezing.
There are some ski resorts where you need to cover your face depending on the wind and how much snow is falling. For this, a bandana can be purchased at the ski resort. It is usually more efficient than a scarf.
A warm hat that can be placed inside the hood cannot be forgotten either. Especially if it is snowing, you will feel the need to use it. Last but not least comes the special ski goggles, which serve to protect the eyes.
5. Rent a good equipment
When it comes to renting equipment, it is important to know about its quality and, most importantly, which one to rent.
Ski boots should be adjusted on their hooks so that they are firm. The toes should touch the toe of the boot, but without removing its circulation. These hooks are called anchorages and also serve to attach the boot to the ski.
Fastenings are critical, especially to ensure joint safety, as when skis are subjected to inadequate pressure, fastenings should open before your knees and ankles. It is therefore essential that they are adjusted according to their weight.
Despite the fixations, in general, a beginner’s ski is quite loose, just in case of a fall, so that the ski comes out before it hurts the leg.
When renting your equipment, be demanding and always ask to check everything more than once, making sure the right fit for you.
6. Don’t forget the wedge and learn to fall.
The instructors will talk a lot about this wedge, so you won’t forget to do it. It is very important for beginners to slow down and make a safe turn. In addition, it is important never to let skis cross, as it can result in a fall with more serious consequences such as breaking a leg, for example.
Another tip is to learn to fall. Although it seems, the snow is not so fluffy. The hint also sounds nonsense, but it will make all the difference when you’re speeding downhill and feeling like you’re going to get in the way. Especially if you are a beginner.
If, for example, you are about to collide with a tree and are a beginner, do not try to dodge or you might end up hitting something else. Instead, just fall to one side. Try to absorb a fall with your hip and shoulder, but do not try to hold on with your arms.
When you fall, try to be as relaxed as possible if you can fall. When you get tense, your muscles contract and you are much more likely to seriously hurt something.
7. Study the map
Beginners are often near the base, where the slopes are slightly sloped, which makes them easier. Even if you can balance yourself and are starting to pick up speed, stay tuned to the colors of the tracks. For this it is worth studying the map of the station in advance.
A green circle indicates an easy or beginner track. It is not usually very long or very steep, which makes its speed medium or low. The obstacles on this track are few.
If the track is marked by a blue square, it is an intermediate track. It is a little steeper than the previous one and also has some more obstacles. Even if you have already mastered the sport and are no longer a beginner, do not change lanes without having the professional’s opinion.
In turn, a black diamond indicates a difficult track. In addition to obstacles, it contains small snowdrifts and a steep ramp with a narrow descent path. Do not try to ski on this type of trail if you are inexperienced.
Finally, a double black diamond or exclamation mark indicates that the track should only be explored by excellent skiers. Unless you have mastered all the previous types, do not venture into it. It is also a good idea to always go with someone if you decide to go down this track.
You may come across a sign marked “EX”, which means “Experts Only”, ie only experts, experts. Generally, it is more prone to avalanches and there are some until it is necessary to leave the helicopter skiers, the so-called helisking pistes.
These difficulty ratings are only compared between slopes of the same ski resort that adopts standard signage. However, it may go the other way, blue is more dangerous and challenging than black, for example. So always start on the green track if you are not experienced.
8. Take travel insurance
When traveling to another country, travel insurance is important. However, if you are going to a place with the intention of skiing, you need to pay attention, as many insurances sold in the market do not cover activities such as skiing and snowboarding.
It is always important to read through all the contract items and even call in to clarify any questions before closing a deal, because you will only know if the insurance was worth it if you need to use it.
9. Snow Skiing Care
Care must be taken when skiing in the snow , either professionally or in an amateur manner. Thus, accidents are avoided and the moment can be enjoyed with peace of mind. Check out some important measures:
- Wear protective gear: Provide a helmet, gloves, boots, goggles, poles, bindings and the pair of skis, of course. These are the basic items.
- Attention to the guidance of the most experienced: control anxiety and pay attention to the guidance of the most professional. They are important for you to know what to do and not to get hurt.
- Do not ski alone: Be accompanied by someone. If you get hurt, the other person can help.
- Obey site signs: Watch for site signs. If somewhere is indicating a reduction in speed, obey.
10. Time
When you go skiing, the most important factor is to check the weather as you will be at his mercy on this type of trip. Ideally, you should plan to visit the ski resort during the winter season of the chosen country.
It may be that the slopes open slightly earlier than expected due to snowfalls, as it may take a little longer. Check before you go not to be a missed trip.
It is also important to check for snow alerts on travel dates. This information can usually be obtained from the hotels themselves. The more snowfall the better the ski slopes.
However, snowing is not all that is enough. Snow should be appropriate and sufficient for skiing and snowboarding.
There are ski resort websites that report mountain status, with information such as how much snow has fallen in the last hours, wind speed and snow type.
11. Who can snow ski
Snow skiing is a democratic sport. Children, teens, youth, adults and seniors can practice. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor weeks in advance for a checkup.
It is important to talk to the doctor and tell what you want to do. Thus, he will give the necessary guidance.
With all the precautions taken just enjoy the moment with family or friends.
12. How to start skiing
Before you go skiing, you have to learn to ride your ski boot. It sounds so simple, but the boot is heavy and not knowing how to handle it can cause problems during the descent route.
To do this just bend your knees when walking. Then just train the stride. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but nothing a workout won’t solve.
Once you have learned how to ride the boot, it is time to go to the first phase of the slip. Simply attach the boot to the ski and move only one foot with the full gear. Then do the same with each other.
When you’ve done it with both feet, it’s time to start sliding around. To give the momentum, you have to lean your body forward, resting on the poles and waist until you find balance. The tip is to start doing this in a flat place until you gain knowledge of and confidence in the equipment.
Take advantage of this test moment to train the wedge, that is, the movement that helps to curb beginner skiing. To make the movement, just open the leg wide and close the ski, forming a kind of V upside down. This will slow you down, but be sure not to cross the skis.
Before going down the mountain, you have to go up. The lifts will drop you up at the top of the mountain and start of the track. In addition, the climbs give tourists a unique view of the descending alp.
It is important to remember that lifts do not stop so that you feel or get off it, as if it were an escalator. Thus, you need to be aware and ready for the time to board and disembark from the transport.
Once you get to the start of the track, having already trained and known the equipment, it’s finally time to ski. Always look ahead and be aware of obstacles in the way. If you look sideways or down you may lose your concentration, or you may be afraid of how fast you are.
For curves, just close a ski opposite the way you want to turn and slightly tip the body. The main equipment of this sport is your body, so pay attention and trust it.
An essential tip for skiing is to find appropriate locations with professionals to follow your slopes and be alert to avoid any accident. Being on a good track with prepared people is essential for your safety. Thus, fun and adventure are guaranteed.
Just saw how skiing in the snow can be very enjoyable and safe? By following these tips and guidelines the chances of any avoidable accidents happening are minimal.
The Ride and Smile have a prepared team so that your experience is the best possible.